Kyoshi DeBuc doing a shin break for his students in Puerto Rico.
Very Seriously, do not try to do this break at all, Sensei Arthur DeBuc Esq. has trained to do this break for several YEARS!!!
I am serious -
Renshi Luis 5th Dan does a speed brake for Sensei Anthony on the same evening Sensei Anthony is awarded his Shodan. The Speed Brake is commonly known in all martial arts as one of the most difficult brakes because the board is falling through the air, doing this on this day was a great honor shown to Sensei DeBuc for passing his adult shodan qualification. ("Not every Black Belt can do this break," Grandmaster DeBuc commented ) Renshi Luis was instrumental in Sensei Arthur DeBuc's karate training and they both began Goju-Ryu together as students of Hanshi DeBuc.
Everyone was Braking and he wanted to try so we gave him a very thin board first, and he was able to do it safely. Three years old.
Sensei DeBuc, Shodan-ho qualifies for adult shodan rank - he has 1.25 min. to break from setup and cannot aim, in addition, he only has one chance to complete everything and break the boards. Sensei DeBuc just turned 14 years old and the minimum age for Shodan is 18. He was given a waiver because he started training at 3 years old, the waiver stipulated he would only be given one try to accomplish this his next attempt would be at 18 years old if he failed. August 2024 in his dojo at his home with witnesses.
Renshi Luis Shodan, doing an elbow brake
Kyoshi DeBuc 8th Dan- Brakes a Concrete Paver in
Pembroke Pines, Florida.
Kyoshi Arthur DeBuc 8th Dan board breaking 2015, showing students how to break 3 boards.
Hanshi Arthur DeBuc 9th Dan teaching students how to hold boards with the help of Renshi Randi and Sensie Gilberto
Sensei Luis Shodan, breaking a board with his forehead
Renshi Randi 4th Dan, Braking 2 boards at lightning speed
Sensei Gilberto Shodan, First time breaking 3 Boards
(1 min 26 sec long)
Renshi Luis Shodan, doing an elbow brake
Blue Belt Evelyn Rivero, braking 3 boards
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